The neck comprises various structures, including cervical ligaments, which offer spinal stability, and muscles that provide support and facilitate movement. With its significant range of motion and the weight-bearing responsibility of the head, the neck is susceptible to injury and conditions that cause pain and limit mobility.
Neck pain may result from injury, mechanical or muscular issues, nerve compression due to disc bulges, or arthritis. Its severity can range from mild discomfort to intense, debilitating pain. Neck pain is prevalent, especially among women, and seeking treatment for it in Singapore is a common occurrence for most individuals during their lifetime.
Neck pain presents a spectrum of symptoms, each indicative of the underlying cause and severity of the condition.
Neck pain can stem from soft tissues like muscles and ligaments, or from the cervical spine, which includes nerves, discs, facet joints, and bones. The primary causes are often soft tissue abnormalities due to injury or prolonged wear-and-tear, although infection or tumors can occasionally trigger neck pain. Some individuals may experience pain in the upper back, shoulders, or arms due to neck problems.
Various factors can trigger neck pain, including direct injury, stress, repetitive strain from awkward neck positions, and ergonomic strain. Despite numerous theories, the exact reasons behind widespread neck pain lack scientific proof, leading to the proliferation of neck pillows, supports, collars, and other aids. For some, the cause of their neck pain remains unidentified.
Road traffic accidents, particularly those involving whiplash injury, can lead to acute or chronic neck pain that may take months to improve. Additionally, individuals who experience excessive stress and strain on their “anti-gravity muscles” may suffer from neck pain and tension headaches.
Many people develop a stiff and painful neck without an apparent cause. It may arise after exposure to a draught (like cold wind or air conditioning) or following a minor twisting injury, such as during gardening. This type of neck pain is referred to as “non-specific neck pain” due to its unclear underlying cause. Non-specific neck pain doesn’t necessarily signify structural damage to the neck and often occurs in individuals with normal necks on X-rays. It’s the most common type of neck pain and usually resolves within a few days.
While whiplash injuries can be severe, most individuals involved in such collisions do not sustain major damage. In many cases, symptoms improve within weeks or months. The use of seat belts and properly adjusted headrests in cars has significantly reduced the severity of whiplash injuries.
Our GP Doctor will gather a comprehensive history of your neck-related issues. This may involve inquiring about any concurrent medical conditions, past neck injuries, and associated complaints with neck pain. They will also review your previous treatments for neck conditions. Following this, a physical examination may encompass assessing neck movement, tenderness, and the functionality of nerves and muscles in your arms and legs.
Patients in need of additional assessment may undergo one or more of the following examinations:
This involves the use of medications such as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, and other specialised medications designed for pain management. The type and dosage are tailored to the individual’s condition and medical history.
Minimally invasive treatments aim to effectively relieve common pain conditions by targeting pain sources.
For chronic pain conditions originating from spinal issues, Neurospan can be performed by our team of pain specialists from Singapore Paincare Center.
Consult one of our doctors today for a detailed consultation & personalised treatment plan.
Preventing neck pain involves adopting practices that protect and strengthen the neck.
Neck pain commonly arises from strained muscles, worn joints, nerve compression, and injuries. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs also contribute to neck pain.
Normal neck pain often results from posture or minor strains and typically resolves with self-care. Serious conditions may present with persistent, severe pain, numbness, loss of strength, or coordination problems.
Home remedies like rest, heat or cold application, and gentle stretching can be effective for mild neck pain but may not suffice for more severe conditions.
Seek medical care if the pain is severe, persists for several weeks without relief, spreads down arms or legs, or is accompanied by headache, numbness, weakness, or tingling.
Yes, exercises focusing on strengthening and stretching the neck, shoulders, and upper back can help reduce pain and prevent future discomfort.
Recovery from chronic neck pain varies widely based on the underlying cause, severity, and treatment effectiveness.
Yes, in some cases, neck pain can be a symptom of serious conditions like infections, tumours, or spinal cord compression, warranting immediate medical attention.
Risks of neck pain surgeries include infection, bleeding, nerve injury, and in rare cases, paralysis or death.
Physical therapy helps by strengthening neck muscles, improving posture, increasing flexibility, and teaching pain management techniques.
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